Friday, May 06, 2005

Change is Good

What do you think? Is red my color? I wanted something a little brighter, a little warmer...

So last night we continued our middle-of-the-night testing of Joseph’s “new and improved” basal rates. And guess what? For the first time since he started the pump, no corrections were necessary. No highs. No lows. He coasted through the night between 115 and 135.

If this is what life is like post-honeymoon, then I say “bring it on!”

Now, I can’t get too excited about this because I’ve been told that while he may be moving out of the honeymoon, it might still be a while before he's completely out of it.

In other words, don’t count out the power of the pancreas just yet.

Okay, but for right now, making those first frighteningly big changes in his basal rates has made us all very happy. In fact, Joseph is so pleased with how he's been feeling in the last couple of days that he actually wants the honeymoon to be over. As I said in my previous post, I do have mixed feelings about parting with his remaining beta cells. Feelings that got pretty intense the other day. Of course, lack of sleep, a horrendous cold, AND an ill-timed hormonal surge didn’t help.

But today, with new basals in place, my son’s blood sugars are looking great, and more importantly, he’s feeling great.

Change is good indeed.

1 comment:

Kerri. said...


Honeymooning is rough stuff. I was diagnosed as a little kid, and I honeymooned for almost eight years. Just enough beta cell activity to really screw my bloodsugars up. I am the first diabetic in my family (across the board - it's just me) and my panel of doctors over the years have surmised that my diabetes was triggered by a virus I had six months before my diagnosis. It may have been a combination of these factors that made me honeymoon for so long. Even know, after 19 years as a diabetic and at 26 years old, I don't take very much insulin, though I've been told the cells are long since inactive. It's a tricky transition (I'm sure my mother would attest) going from honeymoon to complete nonfunction. Thank goodness for the pump. This transition was even worse when my mom and I made it, about a decade ago. These fast acting insulins are a far cry from Regular and NPH!